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Attorney Liability Insurance
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
Lawsuits against legal practices are rising every day. Unfortunately, when clients lose their cases, they sometimes decide to sue their attorneys as a way of trying to pay their legal fees. In addition, lawyers sometimes face litigation related to workplace issues. Even when these cases have no merit, mounting a defense could cause you to lose their business or, even worse, your personal assets.
Any attorney in the private practice of law is at risk of being sued for malpractice. An allegation of malpractice can cost thousands of dollars in defense costs that could put significant financial strain on a lawyer or law firm. If a claim does arise, malpractice insurance (aka professional liability insurance) can serve as an important financial buffer for the lawyer and law firm.
Why You Need Attorney Liability Insurance
Probably the most common claims brought against lawyers are those alleging simple, straightforward mistakes, including administrative errors or substantive errors of law. Also frequent are claims alleging that the lawyer completely and improperly abandoned a representation or entirely failed to address the client’s needs in any way. Increasingly, lawyers face suits in which the primary or sole allegation is one of breach of fiduciary duty, often because of a conflict of interest, and frequently based in duties arising through implication. In addition, claims are also made as a result of fees suits brought against clients, as well as claims brought by non-clients.

Lawyers! Attorneys! Protect yourself and your firm with attorney liability insurance. Request a quote today from Melendez Insurance.
Lawyer Professional Liability Insurance is relevant to:
- New & Established Firms
- Firms of All Sizes
- All Areas of Practice
- Newly Admitted Attorneys
- Part-Time, Moonlighting, and Employed Lawyer Plans
- Hard-to-Place Firms
Attorney Insurance Options
Lawyer Professional Liability Insurance
Professional Liability policies are usually designed to provide coverage for claims that arise from “wrongful acts” committed in the rendering of legal services in your capacity as an attorney and generally provide both indemnification coverage and claims expense coverage, subject to specified deductibles and endorsements. In general, covered acts usually also include those committed in a variety of ancillary services regularly provided by lawyers as a natural offshoot of their regular practices, such as:
- Services as a notary public
- Services as a title agent and or title agency
- Acting as a trustee or executor of an estate in connection with representation of a client
- Acting as an officer, director, or member of a legal professional association
General Liability Insurance
Unfortunately for every attorney, the chances of getting sued have dramatically increased. A general liability insurance policy that is designed for lawyers can prevent a legal suit from turning into a financial disaster by providing insurance protection in case your firm is ever sued or held legally responsible for some injury or damage.
Umbrella Policy
An umbrella insurance policy plugs holes in your existing coverage. It provides additional protection that kicks in when the primary attorney insurance coverage has been exhausted.
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